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Flight Club Miami

TBD In Process™ was hired to help celebrate the first anniversary for Flight Club Miami located in the Miami Design District.  We crafted an experience that was user friendly but held the same construction process that the studio used for crafting AF1s.  The experience was crafted for users who came in store and purchased a pair of AF1s to use at he customization bar.  The customization bar had the tools and materials necessary for people to make their own pair.  There were screwdrivers for each person to keep after they built their pair to tune up or being their own exploration with screwing things into the shoe.  One of a kind Flight Club pieces were made - this is also the only time polka dot TBD In Process shoes were made besides Bad Bunny's pair.  People took photos of their shoes on a neon LED rope platform for social media posting.

TBD FC Flyer.jpg
FC Acrylic Ball Heel Cup.HEIC
FC Heel Cup.HEIC
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